Effortlessly craft a personalized calendar within minutes, providing you with a seamless solution to manage and monitor dates and events in your application.
With the “Calc” sheet open, click “Add Page” and select “Report”.
Set “Title” to “Client Data”.
Change “Source” to “Range of Cells”, and set the ranges to “A$4:$Q$63” by selecting the range of cells and clicking the clipboard icon.
Set “Header” to “None (automatic)”.
Click “Save and Exit”.
Create a Data Filter page:
With the “Calc” sheet open, click “Add page” and select "Data Filter".
Change “Source” to “Range of Cells”, and set it to “$A$1:$A$2”.
Set “Header” to “Use First Record”.
Go to "More" tab and ensure “Match fields by name” is selected.
Click “Save and Exit”.
Create an Edit Record page:
Go to “Data” sheet, click “Add page” and select "Edit-Record".
Set “Title” to “Change Client Data”.
Set “Source” to be the table “Client_List”.
Click “Save and Exit”.
Create a Form page:
Click “Add Page” and select “Form Page”.
Set “Title” to “Client Input Page”.
Click “Save and Exit”.
Create a Layout Container page:
Click “Add page” and select “Layout Container”.
Set “Title” to “Client Dashboard”.
Set “Columns” to 1.
Select “Data Filter Page” and “Report Page” in the drop-down list.
Click “Save and Exit”.
Create a Tabs Container page:
Click “Add page” and select “Tabs Container”.
Set “Title” to “Dashboard”.
Select “Client Dashboard (Layout Container)”, “Client Data (Report)”, “Change Client Data (Edit-Record)” and “Client Input Page (Form)” in the drop-down list.
Click “Save and Exit”.
Optional: Hide everything except the Tabs Container page from the navigation menu by hovering over each page, clicking the gear icon, and selecting “Hide”.
Optional: For each page go to the "More" tab and uncheck “Show Page Title” box.
With the “Attractions” sheet open, click “Add Page” and select “Report”.
Click “Save & Exit”.
Create a Map page:
With the "Attractions" sheet open, click “Add-Page” and select "Map”.
Set “Title” to “LONDON”.
Set “Titles (Optional)” to “Range of Cells”, and set the ranges to “Attractions!$C$2:$C$200” by selecting the range of cells and clicking the clipboard icon.
Set “Locations” to “Attractions!$E$2:$E$200”.
Set “Colors (Optional)” to “Attractions!$M$2:$M$200”.
Click “Save & Exit”.
Create a Details Report page:
With the “Attractions” sheet open, click “Add-Page” and select “Details Report”.
Set “Title” to “Attraction”.
Under the “More” tab, set “Details Template” to “AttractionsLayout2”.
Set “Columns to display in list view” to “Attractions!$A:$J”.
Click “Save & Exit”.
Create an Edit-Record page:
With the “Attractions” sheet open, click “Add-Page” and select "Edit-Record”.
Set “Title” to “Trip Editor”.
Under the “More” tab, set “Editable Template to “EditTripLayout”.
Set “Columns to display in list view” to “Attractions!$A:$H”.
Click “Save & Exit”.
Create a Layout Container page:
Click “Add-Page” and select “Layout Container”.
Set “Title” to “BUCKET LIST”.
Set “Columns” to 1.
Select “LONDON (Map)” and "Attraction (Details Report)" in the drop-down list.
(optional) Under the “More” tab uncheck “Show Page Title”.
Click “Save & Exit”.
Optional: Hide “Report Page”, “Attraction” and “LONDON” pages by hovering over each page, clicking the gear icon, and selecting “Hide”.